Tuesday, January 29, 2013

r.i.p. the maverick

No matter what, when you're producing work you're vivaciously passionate about, you're going to spend most of your developing stages FRUSTRATED THE FUCK with yourself because you're at a block in your mind, or you keep questioning your purpose, or you're just simply overflowing with inspiration and ideas that your mind has suddenly decided to shut down for you.

I am there. I am frustrated the fuck out because I can't seem to grasp what I really want my new zine, The Existential Crisis, to be about! So I've been spending some time looking back at my old zines trying to place myself in the same mindset I was at when I had created them, trying to be both inspired and inspirational again.

I was really proud of my old zine, actually, no, I still am. And it just occurred to me that I never once shared a page of it with the Internet. So here's a favorite piece of mine that I wrote for my June issue last year. Maybe when I get around to actually having the patience to scan all pages, you guys can read the whole damn thing.

But for now, here's """Teenage Survival Guide""" brought to you by yours truly.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, Am I retarded because I don't know how to follow you? Probably.

